Landscape Design

Simple Fence Line Landscaping Ideas: On A Budget

Simple Fence Line Landscaping Ideas
Simple Fence Line Landscaping Ideas

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Are you tired of staring at your plain fence line and wondering how you can give it a fresh, lively look without breaking the bank? You’ve come to the right place!

A well-planned fence line landscape not only enhances the overall appearance of your outdoor space but also offers added privacy and a touch of charm. In this article, we’ll share some simple, budget-friendly fence line landscaping ideas that you can use to elevate your yard while keeping costs low. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and transform that dull fence line into an eye-catching oasis!

The importance of landscaping your fence line for aesthetics and privacy

A well-designed fence line landscape can work wonders. Not only does it improve the overall aesthetics of your garden, but it also provides an additional layer of privacy from prying eyes. A combination of strategically placed fence plants, shrubs, and trees can create a living barrier that blocks unwanted views, reduces noise, and creates a sense of seclusion.

Boost your property value

Investing in a well-designed landscape around your fence not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space but can also significantly increase the value of your property. A beautifully landscaped fence creates a positive first impression and showcases your attention to detail in maintaining an attractive and well-kept garden.

The challenge of landscaping on a budget

We understand that landscaping projects can sometimes be expensive, especially when working with a limited budget. However, that shouldn’t deter you from creating the fence line landscape of your dreams. With some creativity, resourcefulness, and smart planning, you can achieve a stunning and functional fence line garden without draining your wallet. The key is to find the right plants for your fence line, along with materials and design plan that suit both your budget and your personal style.

I know it sounds daunting, but we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and discover how you can create a beautiful fence line landscape that won’t break the bank!

Choose the best plants for your fence line

Selecting the right plants for your fence line is crucial in creating an appealing and functional landscape.

Short Fenceline Landscape



3 plant combinations



Small Privacy Design



3 plant combinations



When thinking about what to plant along the fence line, consider factors like climate, soil type, sunlight exposure, and maintenance requirements. Here are some popular types of fence plants broken down to make this easier for you:

Evergreen shrubs for year-round privacy

Evergreen shrubs are a fantastic choice for maintaining privacy throughout the year. These plants keep their foliage during all seasons, providing a consistent visual and sound barrier. While smaller varieties, are perfect as accents. Some of our favorite dwarf cultivars for fence line landscaping include Buxus ‘wintergreen’, Juniperus ‘blue star’, and Thuja ‘golden globe’

  • Boxwood: Boxwoods are versatile, compact evergreen shrubs that are perfect for creating a neat hedge along your fence line. They can be easily shaped and maintained at your desired height.
  • Holly: Holly bushes offer glossy, dark green foliage and bright red berries that add a pop of color during winter months. They are low-maintenance and can be used to create a dense, attractive privacy hedge.
  • Juniper: Junipers come in various sizes and shapes, with some species forming tall, narrow columns ideal for tight spaces. These hardy plants require minimal upkeep and can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions.
Flowering plants for a pop of color

Flowering plants can transform your fence line landscaping into a vibrant, colorful border that changes with the seasons.

  • Hydrangea: Hydrangeas are renowned for their large, showy blooms that come in a range of colors, including blue, pink, and white. They thrive in partial shade and add a burst of color to your fence line throughout the summer.
  • Lavender: This fragrant, drought-tolerant perennial brings beautiful purple blooms to your fence line from late spring to summer. It’s also low-maintenance and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  • Roses: Roses are classic additions to any garden, and with the right care, they can create a stunning fence line display. Choose from a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes to suit your preferences and garden style.
Climbing plants for a natural fence

Climbing plants can add a touch of romance and charm along the edges of your front or backyard, creating a natural, living fence that brings a vertical interest that can help frame your fence line landscaping more beautifully.

  • Clematis: Clematis is a popular climbing plant that produces large, showy flowers in a range of colors. Plant it near a fence or trellis, and it will quickly cover the structure with its beautiful blooms.
  • Ivy: Ivy is an evergreen climber that can quickly cover your fence line with its dense foliage. It’s low-maintenance, and its leaves turn a brilliant shade of red in the fall, adding seasonal interest.
  • Honeysuckle: Honeysuckle vines produce sweetly scented flowers that attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. They are relatively low-maintenance and can easily cover your fence line with their twining stems.

Tips for selecting the best low-maintenance plants

When working with a budget, it’s essential to choose plants that require minimal care, reducing the time and resources needed for upkeep once the landscaping is complete.

  • Opt for native plants: Native plants are well-adapted to your local climate and soil conditions, making them low-maintenance choices for your fence. They often require less water, fertilizer, and pest control, which can save you both time and money.
  • Consider drought-tolerant species: Drought-tolerant plants need less watering, making them a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. Examples include lavender, ornamental grasses, and succulents.
  • Choose plants with a long blooming period: Plants that bloom for an extended period provide a consistent display of color without requiring frequent replacements. Examples include coneflowers, coreopsis, and salvia.
  • Look for disease-resistant varieties: Selecting plants with natural resistance to common pests and diseases can save you money on treatments and help maintain a healthy garden. Many modern plant cultivars have been bred for improved disease resistance.
  • Group plants with similar needs: When designing your fence line landscape, group plants with similar sunlight, water, and soil requirements. This approach will make maintenance more manageable and efficient.

By carefully selecting the right plants for your fence line, you can create a beautiful, low-maintenance landscape that suits both your budget and your aesthetic preferences.

Creative ideas for dressing up your fence line

Thinking outside the box and incorporating various design elements can help you create an eye-catching landscape in front of your fence that adds depth and interest to your outdoor space. Here are some creative ideas to consider:

Layer plantings for visual interest

Layering plants of different heights, textures, and colors can create a visually striking and dynamic fence line landscape. Start with taller plants like trees or taller shrubs in the back, followed by medium-sized plants, and then low-growing groundcovers or flowers in the front. This approach adds depth and dimension to your garden while providing a natural, seamless look.

Incorporate ornamental grasses

Ornamental grasses are an excellent addition to your fence line landscape, offering texture, movement, and a touch of softness. They come in various heights, colors, and forms, allowing you to create interesting combinations with other fence plants. Some popular ornamental grasses include fountain grass, maiden grass, and bluestem grass.

Utilize hardscape elements

Hardscape elements can add structure and visual interest to your fence line landscape, breaking up the monotony of greenery and adding contrast.

  • Garden edging: Edging materials like stone, brick, or wood can create clean, defined borders between your fence line and the rest of your garden.
  • Pathways: A pathway made from gravel, stepping stones, or pavers can lead visitors along your fence line, inviting them to explore your garden.
  • Retaining walls: Can be perfect if your fence line is on a slope or you want to create different levels of planting.
Incorporate Wildlife-Friendly Elements

Attract birds, butterflies, and other beneficial wildlife to your garden with these fence line landscaping ideas:

  • Plant native species: Choose plants that are native to your area, as they often provide valuable habitat and food sources for local wildlife.
  • Provide shelter: Incorporate birdhouses, nesting boxes, or brush piles along your fence line to create safe havens for wildlife.
  • Add a water feature: Install a birdbath or water feature of water to provide drinking and bathing opportunities for birds and other creatures.
Container Gardening

Container gardening is an excellent way to add versatility and color to your fence line landscaping. Here are some ideas for using containers in your design:

  • Mix and match containers: Use various sizes, shapes, and materials to create an interesting and dynamic display along your fence.
  • Group containers: Arrange containers in clusters to create focal points and draw attention to specific areas of your fence line.
  • Hang containers: Attach hanging baskets or wall-mounted planters to your fence for an eye-catching vertical garden.

Ideas for Small Spaces

If you have a small yard, don’t worry – there are still plenty of fence line landscaping ideas to make the most of your limited space. Consider these small space solutions:

  • Use narrow plants: Select plants with a narrow, upright growth habit, such as columnar or fastigiate trees and shrubs, to maximize space along your fence line.
  • Create depth with layers: Arrange plants in layers, with taller plants against the fence and progressively shorter plants moving forward. This creates an illusion of depth, making your small space appear larger.
  • Incorporate mirrors: Attach mirrors to your fence to reflect light and create the illusion of more space. Be sure to place them strategically to avoid direct sunlight reflections.

Final thoughts on landscaping your fence line

We believe that every homeowner can create a stunning and functional fence line landscape, even on a budget. With some creativity, resourcefulness, and a bit of elbow grease, you can transform your ordinary fence line into a beautiful garden oasis that provides privacy and enhances the overall appeal of your outdoor space. Remember, the key is to plan carefully, select the right plants and materials, and stay true to your personal style.

Save money and time. Landscape your fence line with Plant By Number

We make it super easy for you to plant your own professionally designed fence line landscaping. Our ready made solutions can help you create beautiful landscapes and flower gardens for every part of the yard at a fraction the cost of hiring professionals. 

Before / After

More about Plant By Number

Plant By Number makes landscape design and installation beautifully simple.

Any homeowner can install one of our professional designs by purchasing a Garden Map. Each Garden Map is the actual design made to scale and printed on our custom landscape fabric, which doubles as a weed barrier. It’s a garden blueprint that YOU can bring to life!

Our revolutionary solution eliminates the need for hiring an expensive designer and contractor and adds real value to your property.

Once you’ve selected and received your perfect Garden Map, simply follow the step-by-step numbered guide on the landscape fabric to install your dream garden. Making a beautiful landscape has never been this fun or easy!

Ready to get started? Explore our vast selection of gorgeous landscape designs made for every part of the yard. Discover the full potential of your property with Plant By Number. Make your dream yard a reality!

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Are plants included?
  • If you order a design from our Limited Collection and choose the option “Garden Map + Plants”, you will receive plants with your order. If you choose the option “Garden Map only”, you will receive the design printed on landscaping fabric, but no plants.
  • If you order a design from our Ready Made or Modular collections, you will only receive the design printed on landscaping fabric. These two collections do not include plants; however, you will receive a plant shopping card to help you find everything you need in the closest plant nursery or garden center.
Is this just a digital download of a landscape design template?

If you checked the “Digital Blueprint Only” box, then yes. If not, you will receive our actual Garden map, printed on our custom-made landscape fabric.

Should I start with seeds or plants?

Whether you should start your garden with seeds or mature plants depends on several factors, including your gardening goals, experience level, budget, and patience. If you have the option, we recommend you start with mature plants for several reasons:

  • Instant garden: When you start with mature plants, your garden looks established and full right from the beginning. If you’re planting trees or shrubs for shade or privacy, starting with mature plants can provide instant results.
  • Faster results: Mature plants typically produce flowers, fruits, or vegetables sooner than plants grown from seeds.
  • Less effort: Adult plants need less maintenance than seedlings. Additionally, starting from seeds often requires setting up indoor growing spaces with appropriate lighting, temperature control, and ventilation.
What do I get with a digital blueprint?

A digital blueprint is the layout in a .PDF format. If you are comfortable reading a scaled schematic and think you can handle the installation without the extra help, this option may be for you.

When I order a Garden Map, what do I get?

Garden Map is the design layout printed on our custom-made landscape fabric. Along with the printed fabric, you will receive installation instructions.

  • If you order a design from our Limited Collection and choose the option “Garden Map + Plants”, you will receive plants with your order. If you choose the option “Garden Map only”, you will receive the design printed on landscaping fabric, but no plants.
  • If you order a design from our Ready Made or Modular collections, you will only receive the design printed on landscaping fabric. These two collections do not include plants; however, you will receive a plant shopping card to help you find everything you need in the closest plant nursery or garden center.

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