Landscape Design

Yardzen vs. Plant By Number: Discover The Best Option

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Plant By Number L

Plant By Number: The Ultimate Simple, Fun, and Affordable Choice

Plant By Number is a revolutionary landscaping solution that simplifies the entire process of designing and installing a beautiful garden.

With a wide range of professional designs to choose from, you can easily select and purchase a Garden Map that suits your style and preferences. The Garden Map is the actual landscape design printed to-scale on custom landscape fabric, which doubles as a weed barrier. It serves as a step-by-step guide for a seamless DIY installation. It’s a garden blueprint that YOU can bring to life!

Plant By Number empowers homeowners to create stunning outdoor spaces while saving time and money, without the need for expensive designers or contractors.

Yardzen: A Higher-End Option with Increased Costs and Hassles

Yardzen, on the other hand, is a traditional online landscape design company that, while offering tailored designs, comes with a higher price tag and a more time-consuming process.

With starting prices at $895, Yardzen often requires multiple revisions and involvement from landscape designers, horticulturalists, and construction experts. This more extensive process can lead to a greater likelihood of upselling and promoting additional products or services, which may not always be in the homeowner’s best interest.

While Yardzen can provide a customized design, the overall experience can be more complex and frustrating for homeowners.

Weighing the Options: Cost, Time, and Overall Experience

When choosing between Plant By Number and Yardzen, it is crucial to consider the differences in cost, time investment, and overall experience. Plant By Number offers an affordable and enjoyable DIY solution, while Yardzen demands more time and financial commitment.

Plant By Number Yardzen
Starting prices at $20 Starting prices at $895
No hidden costs or upselling Upselling of additional products or services
DIY installation saves on contractor fees Costly contractors for installation
Quick and easy selection of professional designs Lengthy design process with multiple revisions
User-friendly Garden Map w/ PBN instructions Complex installation requiring experts
Wide range of designs for every size yard Limited options for small-scale projects
AI Garden Assistant for ongoing maintenance support Lack of ongoing maintenance support for your garden
By considering these factors, it becomes clear that Plant By Number is the more accessible, cost-effective, and time-saving solution.

The Advantages of Plant By Number

Simplified Design Selection Process

Plant By Number makes choosing a design incredibly easy by providing a diverse catalog of professional garden and landscape designs, suitable for every style and part of the yard. Homeowners can easily browse through the options and visualize the final result with high-resolution 3D renderings for free. In contrast, Yardzen’s design process can be more time-consuming and require multiple revisions before arriving at a satisfactory result.

DIY Installation and Empowerment

Plant By Number encourages homeowners to take control of their landscaping projects by offering step-by-step installation instructions and easy-to-read 2D DIY schematics. The Garden Map, printed on custom landscape fabric, ensures a fun and straightforward installation process. On the other hand, Yardzen often relies on professional contractors for installation, which can be costly and limit the homeowner’s involvement.

Ongoing Support with the AI Garden Assistant

One of the standout features of Plant By Number is the AI Garden Assistant, which provides continuous support for garden maintenance tasks like pruning, fertilizing, and other updates. This level of ongoing assistance helps homeowners keep their gardens in top condition, whereas Yardzen lacks a similar support system.

Affordability and Transparency

Plant By Number’s affordability and transparency make it an attractive option for homeowners. There are no hidden costs, and the DIY installation process eliminates the need for expensive contractors. Yardzen, on the other hand, has higher starting prices and may involve upselling of additional products and services, making it a less budget-friendly choice.

When considering the various factors, Plant By Number stands out as the best option for homeowners seeking a hassle-free, affordable, and enjoyable landscaping experience.

Yardzen’s Costly Drawbacks

An expensive and time-consuming design process

Yardzen’s design process involves multiple steps, from onboarding to feedback and revision, which can be time-consuming for homeowners. Additionally, the starting price of $895 and the potential for upselling can quickly make it an expensive option.

Limited flexibility for small-scale projects

Yardzen’s design options may not cater to homeowners seeking small-scale projects, making it less versatile compared to Plant By Number, which offers designs tailored to various garden sizes and styles.

Complex installation and professional contractor dependence

Yardzen’s installation process often requires the involvement of professional contractors, which can be costly and limit the homeowner’s control over the project. Plant By Number’s DIY approach allows homeowners to actively participate in the installation process, leading to a more satisfying and cost-effective experience.

Lack of ongoing maintenance support

Yardzen does not offer ongoing maintenance support for your garden, which can be essential for keeping it looking its best. Plant By Number’s AI Garden Assistant provides invaluable guidance and assistance for homeowners, ensuring the garden’s long-term success.

The potential for upselling and hidden costs

Yardzen’s design process may involve upselling of additional products or services, which may not always align with the homeowner’s best interests. Plant By Number’s transparent pricing and DIY approach eliminate such concerns, providing a more trustworthy and budget-friendly experience.

Yardzen’s limitations highlight the advantages of Plant By Number, making it the preferred choice for homeowners seeking an accessible, affordable, and enjoyable landscaping solution.

Take the First Step Toward Your Dream Garden with Plant By Number


Explore the Design Catalog

Begin your journey by browsing Plant By Number’s extensive catalog of landscape designs. With options for every style and space, you’re sure to find the perfect match for your outdoor area.

Visualize Your Dream Garden

Take advantage of the free high-resolution 3D renderings to help you visualize your future garden. This feature allows you to make an informed decision and select the design that best suits your needs and preferences.

Order Your Garden Map

Once you’ve chosen the ideal design, order your Garden Map and prepare for a fun, hands-on installation experience. The custom landscape fabric not only provides a guide for plant placement but also serves as a weed barrier, ensuring a healthy and thriving garden.

Embrace the DIY Experience

Follow the step-by-step numbered guide on the Garden Map and watch your dream garden come to life. Plant By Number’s DIY approach empowers homeowners to take charge of their landscaping projects, creating a sense of accomplishment and pride in the finished result.

Enjoy Ongoing Support and Maintenance Guidance

With the help of the AI Garden Assistant, you can ensure your garden remains in top condition throughout the seasons. This innovative feature offers valuable guidance on pruning, fertilizing, and other essential maintenance tasks, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space to the fullest.

By choosing Plant By Number over Yardzen, you’re opting for a user-friendly, cost-effective, and enjoyable landscaping solution that puts you in control. Discover the full potential of your property with Plant By Number. Make your dream yard a reality!

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Are plants included?
  • If you order a design from our Limited Collection and choose the option “Garden Map + Plants”, you will receive plants with your order. If you choose the option “Garden Map only”, you will receive the design printed on landscaping fabric, but no plants.
  • If you order a design from our Ready Made or Modular collections, you will only receive the design printed on landscaping fabric. These two collections do not include plants; however, you will receive a plant shopping card to help you find everything you need in the closest plant nursery or garden center.
Is this just a digital download of a landscape design template?

If you checked the “Digital Blueprint Only” box, then yes. If not, you will receive our actual Garden map, printed on our custom-made landscape fabric.

Should I start with seeds or plants?

Whether you should start your garden with seeds or mature plants depends on several factors, including your gardening goals, experience level, budget, and patience. If you have the option, we recommend you start with mature plants for several reasons:

  • Instant garden: When you start with mature plants, your garden looks established and full right from the beginning. If you’re planting trees or shrubs for shade or privacy, starting with mature plants can provide instant results.
  • Faster results: Mature plants typically produce flowers, fruits, or vegetables sooner than plants grown from seeds.
  • Less effort: Adult plants need less maintenance than seedlings. Additionally, starting from seeds often requires setting up indoor growing spaces with appropriate lighting, temperature control, and ventilation.
What do I get with a digital blueprint?

A digital blueprint is the layout in a .PDF format. If you are comfortable reading a scaled schematic and think you can handle the installation without the extra help, this option may be for you.

When I order a Garden Map, what do I get?

Garden Map is the design layout printed on our custom-made landscape fabric. Along with the printed fabric, you will receive installation instructions.

  • If you order a design from our Limited Collection and choose the option “Garden Map + Plants”, you will receive plants with your order. If you choose the option “Garden Map only”, you will receive the design printed on landscaping fabric, but no plants.
  • If you order a design from our Ready Made or Modular collections, you will only receive the design printed on landscaping fabric. These two collections do not include plants; however, you will receive a plant shopping card to help you find everything you need in the closest plant nursery or garden center.

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