Landscape Design

Driveway Landscaping On A Budget: Simple Ideas That Make A Big Impact

Driveway Border Landscaping Ideas
Driveway Border Landscaping Ideas

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First impressions are everything, and the driveway entrance to your home is no exception. Driveway landscaping is the first thing people see when they visit or pass by your property. Even planting a simple flower bed next to your driveway can make a big impact.

Beautiful and well-maintained driveway landscaping not only increases your home’s curb appeal but also adds value to your property. But what if you’re working with a limited budget? No worries! With a little creativity and some helpful tips, you can create a gorgeous driveway landscape without breaking the bank.

DIY Flower Bed At End Of Driveway
Flower Bed At End Of Driveway. DIY with Plant By Number

Step 1. Assess Your Driveway’s Space and Needs

Evaluate your driveway’s size and shape

First things first, take the time to look at the size and shape of your driveway. Assess the available space and consider any existing features, such as walkways, walls, or utility structures.

Make note of the areas that receive full sun, partial shade, or full shade, as this will influence your plant choices, especially if you want to create a beautiful flower bed by your driveway.

Figure out your specific landscaping requirements and preferences

Are you looking to enhance your home’s curb appeal with a flower bed at the end of your driveway, make your driveway low maintenance, or provide additional privacy?

Also think about your preferred style. Do you like a modern and minimalist look, a lush and tropical vibe, or a charming and rustic feel? Identifying your preferred aesthetic will help you choose flowers and materials that align with your vision.

Low Maintenance Driveway Border Plants

Use perennial plants for a long-lasting, low-maintenance driveway flower bed

If you’re looking for plants to border your driveway, perennial flowers are an excellent choice because they tend to be a bit more rugged and return year after year, providing a long-lasting impact without the need for constant replanting. This makes them an economical choice if you’re looking for a driveway border garden that’s easy will only get more beautiful with age. Some popular short perennial plants to consider for your flower bed along the driveway are candytuft, cat’s pajamas catmint, and creeping jenny.

Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental Grass Flower Bed Garden Beside Driveway
DIY Ornamental Grass Garden From Plant By Number.

Plant ornamental grass along your driveway. There’s a large variety of decorative grasses you can use to add texture and movement to your driveway flower bed while requiring very little upkeep. It’s best to plant shorter grasses in the front and taller grasses in the back for a layered look. Some of our favorites include black mondo grass, corkscrew grass, and blue oat grass.

Evergreen Shrubs

Driveway Entry Landscaping with Evergreens
DIY Evergreen Shrub Garden From Plant By Number

Evergreen shrubs make for a beautiful driveway entrance and provide year-round color, structure, and privacy to the border of your driveway. These robust driveway shrubs, require little attention, and offer consistent beauty regardless of the season. There’s a wide range of short evergreen shrubs perfect for lining your driveway or creating a beautiful entrance. 

Deer Resistant Plants

Driveway Entrance Landscaping Curb Appeal
DIY Deer-Resistant Flower Garden From Plant By Number

Deer-resistant plants can help keep the flower bed next your driveway attractive and healthy, especially if deer are a common issue in your area. These plants stop deer in their tracks, ensuring that your driveway landscaping remains untouched and vibrant. There’s also many shrub varieties that do the same. Some of our favorites include the lilac ‘Miss Kim’, holly ‘Sky Pencil’, and

Also consider native plants and flowers

Native plants are a fantastic choice for driveway planting ideas, as they are well-adapted to your local climate and soil conditions. This means they require less watering, fertilizing, and overall care, saving you time and money in the long run. Additionally, native plants provide habitats for local wildlife. Consider these native plants for your driveway:

Our favorite online seller is Garden For Wildlife. They specialize in native plant sales and can ship directly to your home. They also let you shop for native plants by state and also by your zip code to help you find ones that will thrive in your region!

Affordable Hardscape Elements

Driveway Hardscaping On A Budget

Use recycled or reclaimed materials

Maybe your driveway needs more than a pretty flower bed, but you’re afraid hardscaping costs too much. One way to keep costs down is to use recycled or reclaimed materials. Not only will this save you money, but it also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly landscape. Some ideas for using recycled materials include:

  • Create walkways or edging with reclaimed bricks or pavers
  • Build a retaining wall from recycled concrete blocks
  • Use repurposed wood for fencing or trellises

Explore DIY hardscaping options

Another way to save money on your driveway landscaping is by tackling hardscaping projects yourself. With some research and a bit of elbow grease, you can create stunning hardscape elements that rival professional installations. Here are a few DIY hardscaping ideas to consider for your driveway landscape:

  • Install a gravel or pebble walkway
  • Create raised garden beds with affordable materials like cinder blocks or wooden pallets
  • Build a simple wooden arbor or trellis to add vertical interest

Driveway Landscaping Ideas On A Budget

Use minimalist and modern design concepts

Minimalist Driveway Landscaping

Minimalist and modern design concepts are perfect for budget driveway landscaping, as they often require fewer materials and plants, resulting in cost savings. To achieve this look, consider the following ideas:

  • Use a limited color palette, focusing on shades of green or incorporating a single pop of color with flowering plants.
  • Opt for simple and sleek hardscaping materials, such as concrete or metal edging.
  • Emphasize clean lines and geometric shapes in your design, creating a sense of order and harmony.

Utilize symmetry and repetition for visual appeal

Driveway Landscaping With Arborvitae

Symmetry and repetition are powerful design tools that are perfect for landscaping longer driveways and can make a significant impact without a large financial investment. By repeating certain elements or creating symmetrical patterns, you can achieve a polished and cohesive look in your driveway landscape. Some ideas to use if you need to landscape a long driveway are as follows:

  • Planting identical shrubs or small trees on either side of your driveway entrance.
  • Lining your driveway with the same type of plant, creating a visual border.
  • Repeating hardscape elements, such as pavers or stepping stones, throughout the landscape design.

Incorporate focal points with affordable, eye-catching features

Driveway Landscaping With Planters And Ornamental Grass

Focal points are essential in any landscape design, as they draw the eye and add visual interest. Even on a budget, you can create eye-catching focal points that elevate your driveway landscaping without spending a fortune. If you don’t have the time to plant a small, gorgeous flowering tree that takes years to mature, here are some ideas:

  • Use a large, colorful container planted with a striking arrangement of flowers or foliage as a centerpiece for your driveway landscape.
  • Install a DIY water feature, such as a small fountain or a birdbath, to add a soothing element and attract local wildlife.
  • Create a vertical garden or trellis with climbing plants to add height and dimension without taking up much horizontal space.

Maximize Space in Small Driveways

Vertical gardening techniques

  • Install a trellis or lattice against a wall or fence and plant climbing vines, such as clematis or jasmine.
  • Use tiered planters or shelves to display potted plants at varying heights, creating a lush and dynamic display.
  • Plant tall, narrow trees or shrubs along the edges of your driveway to add height and a sense of enclosure.

Multi-functional landscaping elements

  • Use raised garden beds or retaining walls that double as seating areas, providing both greenery and additional space for relaxation.
  • Install a permeable paver system for your driveway, which allows for water infiltration and can be planted with low-growing ground covers, adding both functionality and visual appeal.
  • Incorporate storage solutions, such as a bench with built-in storage or a slim garden shed, to make the most of your limited space.

Tips for making a small driveway appear larger

  • Use light-colored materials for your driveway and hardscaping elements, as they can make the area feel more open and expansive.
  • Plant low-growing plants near the edges of your driveway flower bed, gradually transitioning to taller plants as you move away from the center. This will create a sense of depth and make the space appear larger.
  • Incorporate mirrors or reflective surfaces, such as a mirrored gazing ball or a small garden pond, to give the illusion of extra space and add a touch of elegance to your driveway landscape.

Maintenance Tips for Affordable Driveway Landscaping

Regular upkeep to prolong the life of your landscape

Consistent and regular maintenance is crucial to keeping your driveway landscape looking beautiful and prolonging its lifespan. By dedicating time to routine tasks, you can prevent more significant and costly problems down the road. Some essential upkeep tasks include:

  • Pruning and trimming plants as needed to maintain their shape and encourage healthy growth
  • Cleaning hardscape surfaces, such as pavers or concrete, to prevent stains and algae buildup
  • Inspecting and repairing any damaged lighting fixtures or irrigation systems

Effective weed blocking solutions

Side of Driveway Landscaping Layout
Weed Blocking Landscape Fabric from Plant By Number

Weed control is essential for maintaining a tidy and healthy driveway landscape. While chemical herbicides can be effective, they can also be harmful to the environment and expensive. There are several economical and eco-friendly weed control solutions that can help keep your driveway landscape weed-free:

  • Mulching: Add a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or shredded bark, around your plants can help suppress weed growth and retain soil moisture.
  • Hand weeding: Regularly removing weeds by hand, especially when they are young and small, can prevent them from spreading and competing with your desired plants for resources.
  • Landscape fabric: Never have to bend over to pick weeds or spray harmful chemicals again. There’s a reason professional landscapers and savvy homeowners use it all across the country.

DIY Driveway Flower Beds With Plant By Number

At Plant By Number, we understand that not everyone has the resources to hire an expensive designer or contractor for their driveway landscaping project. That’s why we offer a wide range of affordable driveway flower bed designs that you can easily install yourself at a fraction of the cost from paying a landscape designer and contractor.

If you’re just looking for simple driveway flower bed ideas, check out this flower bed at the end of a driveway that you can plant yourself.

Driveway Design



4 plant combinations


Driveway Landscaping Layout

Driveway Entry Landscaping

DIY Driveway Flower Bed


More about Plant By Number

Plant By Number makes landscape design and installation beautifully simple.

Any homeowner can install one of our professional flower bed designs by purchasing a Garden Map. Each Garden Map is the actual design made to scale and printed on our custom landscape fabric, which doubles as a weed barrier. It’s a garden blueprint that YOU can bring to life!

Our revolutionary solution eliminates the need for hiring an expensive designer and contractor and adds real value to your property.

Once you’ve selected and received your perfect Garden Map, simply follow the step-by-step numbered guide on the landscape fabric to install your dream flower garden. Making a beautiful flower bed next to your driveway has never been this fun or easy!

Ready to get started? Explore our vast selection of gorgeous flower garden designs made for every part of the yard. Discover the full potential of your property with Plant By Number. Make your dream yard a reality!

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Are plants included?
  • If you order a design from our Limited Collection and choose the option “Garden Map + Plants”, you will receive plants with your order. If you choose the option “Garden Map only”, you will receive the design printed on landscaping fabric, but no plants.
  • If you order a design from our Ready Made or Modular collections, you will only receive the design printed on landscaping fabric. These two collections do not include plants; however, you will receive a plant shopping card to help you find everything you need in the closest plant nursery or garden center.
Is this just a digital download of a landscape design template?

If you checked the “Digital Blueprint Only” box, then yes. If not, you will receive our actual Garden map, printed on our custom-made landscape fabric.

Should I start with seeds or plants?

Whether you should start your garden with seeds or mature plants depends on several factors, including your gardening goals, experience level, budget, and patience. If you have the option, we recommend you start with mature plants for several reasons:

  • Instant garden: When you start with mature plants, your garden looks established and full right from the beginning. If you’re planting trees or shrubs for shade or privacy, starting with mature plants can provide instant results.
  • Faster results: Mature plants typically produce flowers, fruits, or vegetables sooner than plants grown from seeds.
  • Less effort: Adult plants need less maintenance than seedlings. Additionally, starting from seeds often requires setting up indoor growing spaces with appropriate lighting, temperature control, and ventilation.
What do I get with a digital blueprint?

A digital blueprint is the layout in a .PDF format. If you are comfortable reading a scaled schematic and think you can handle the installation without the extra help, this option may be for you.

When I order a Garden Map, what do I get?

Garden Map is the design layout printed on our custom-made landscape fabric. Along with the printed fabric, you will receive installation instructions.

  • If you order a design from our Limited Collection and choose the option “Garden Map + Plants”, you will receive plants with your order. If you choose the option “Garden Map only”, you will receive the design printed on landscaping fabric, but no plants.
  • If you order a design from our Ready Made or Modular collections, you will only receive the design printed on landscaping fabric. These two collections do not include plants; however, you will receive a plant shopping card to help you find everything you need in the closest plant nursery or garden center.

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